Educational Brunch by AplusLS

Освіта як бізнес і лідерство: чого нам очікувати і як планувати в мінливому контексті

Поговоримо про стан справ освітнього бізнесу, тренди, які на нього впливають, прогнози і куди рухатись, аби зайняти свою нішу в найближчому майбутньому

Session 2: Natalia ZachynskaМотивація у навчанні і викладанні завжи є проблемою, і ми постійно шукаємо рішення, але насправді давайте поговоримо про причини.

Коли: 2 березняЧас: 10:00 - 13:30

Ціна: 1100 грн

Де: Proskuriv Business Hall м. Хмельницький, вул. Проскурівська 4/3 (Дитячий світ)

ABOUT THE SPEAKERS:🦸♀️ Nataliya Vizir
✨Language Coaching Ambassador, ICF Coach✨Language consultant, trainer and coach; teacher trainer and conference speaker

🟡 Nataliya has been working with languages in multiple roles since 2002 and now is focused mainly on working with language users helping them fix their relationship with language, turn language into a powerful communication tool to achieve life- and work-related goals.

🟡 Her key areas of expertise are English for business and professional communication (ESP), language and communication coaching, pronunciation training.

🟡 She works with language teachers as a mentor helping them choose the best professional development path and conducts workshops and trainings on language coaching and ESP.

🟡 Nataliya also serves as a Board Member of the International Language Coaching Association (ILCA) and is a member of IATEFL.🟠 She is one of the three co-founders of @SuperTeacherSummit

🦸♀️Natalia Zachynska : Teacher trainer, founder of AplusLS (Cambridge Exam Preparation Centre), CELTA, DELTA M1, TKT.

✨Lecturer at Khmelnytskyi National University, an active member of IATEFL.

🟡Natalia has been in education for 15 years and now combines the roles of:🔸language teacher🔸teacher trainer🔸materials designer🔸international speaker🔸university lecturer🔸language school owner

🟡 One of her key expertise areas is testing and assessment, her interests include ESP teaching and translation (Medical and Military English).


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+380 (97) 676 32 67
вул. Зарічанська 36/3
+380 (97) 106 59 88
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10:00 - 20:00
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